Traffic Life : Passionate Tales and Exit Strategies
Edited by Stephan Wehner
An Anthology
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  The Buckmaster Institute, Inc.

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 Touched by an Angel? Nope-Whacked by a Hatchback  Greg Taylor     Frankly, you just don't ever know who you will run into while flying over the hood of a small imported car. Really. One minute you're out riding along on your bike, enjoying a nice sunny Saturday afternoon without a care in the world, and the next you're sailing through space while having a conversation with a guy who introduces himself to you as God.    'Hey, Greg...Gregory! Hi ho! God here. I need to bend your ear for a minute.'    'What? Who's there? What's happening?'    'It's Me. God. You know, the Creator of the Universe. The Celestial Chief Executive. I need to talk to you. Got a minute?'    'Wha?'    'A little sluggish on the uptake today, aren't we? OK, I'll speak slowly; try to follow along here. I'm God, and right now you're in the middle of having an accident on your bike. And I'd like to talk with you...'    'God? An accident!?                              ­ 1 ­

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